
Jan Holden

Funeral Celebrant

Professional, Independent Religious and Non-Religious Humanist Celebrant in Ross-on-Wye

Jan Holden

Weddings and Partnerships

Non-Religious/Humanist Weddings and Civil Partnerships Celebrant in Ross-on-Wye

Jan Holden

Naming Ceremonies

Member of the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants and The Association of Independent Celebrants

Celebrant in Ross-on-Wye

Celebrant Services Ross-on-Wye

Hello… and welcome to my website.

I very much enjoy my work, and it shows – working as a celebrant in and around Ross-on-Wye, as I have, for the last 15 years, I’ve found it’s a calling and not just a job.
As a celebrant in Ross-on-Wye, I create and lead non-religious/humanist Weddings, Partnerships, Blessings and Renewal of Vows. I also take Handfasting’s which meet your own personal beliefs. I’m always very happy to include your thoughts and ideas.

Naming Ceremonies are a joy, and we hold them to name a name or via a person’s new identity.

As we go through life there are many milestones to celebrate like Adoption, Coming of Age or yes – even divorce and together we can create a ceremony around it.

I also create and lead non-religious/humanist, and semi-religious Funerals which I write with the family involvement, whether they’re able to participate or not. I’m very happy to read their contribution to the service.

I’m a member of the Fellowship of Professional Celebrants and the Association of Independent Celebrants and carrying the required insurance.

My celebrant services in Ross-on-Wye are always delivered professionally with compassion, sensitivity, and respect.

Contact Details

To get in touch, please telephone or email using the details below. I am available most days until late.

Alternatively you can send a message by using this contact form. I look forward to hearing from you.

Jan Holden Celebrant
8 Hagley Road
West Midlands

Contact Form